What's UP
The first thing I did on this Chapter was to level the plane fore & aft and side to side. Then I hot-glued two (2) wood blocks against each wheel such that there can be no movement with the plane.
Glassing the Ribs and Bulkheads
Since I was planning to use the Feather Lite leading edge, I did not cut out the BLE, TLE and OD bulkheads - not yet anyway. However, I made sure I have enough glassed foam for them if I need them. I connected the R33 to the B33 as a continuous piece and its 46.8", just an inch shy of 48".
Instead of using the band saw, I just used the FEIN tool and cut out all the ribs and bulkheads with little problem. Then I sanded the edges down to its outline with a sanding block. |
are 16 half-moon notches among all the bulkheads. They are necessary for keeping
the fuel from sloshing around too quickly as the plane banks and dives. It
has been pointed out in the archives that the airplane fuel would not affect the
exposed foam, therefore, no foam surface preparation at the notches is
necessary. However, I have yet to find a Cozy builder who did not prep those
notched surfaces. Well, I am not taking any chances either.
Per Randi's (Cozy Girrrls) suggestion, one good way to prep it is to auger out
some foam and then fill it with wet flox.
I decided to wait until I completed the leading edge before making the skin because I do not know how much surface area the Feather Lite leading edge will cover. I shall return to this section later on...
From here, I jumped to Chapter 21 - Section 02...
I returned to this section after installing the the leading edge...
repeated the same procedure with the bottom skin. The joint along the
fuselage turned out nice - practice makes perfect |
My first top and bottom skin had A LOT OF delamination - I certainly do not know
what I did wrong here. I suspect the peel-ply wrinkles were pulling the glass
too much...but not sure. I ended up re-doing both
top and bottom skins. Then I sealed the glass with a plastic sheet & hair
dryer to squeegee out all the bubbles. Once it cured, I squeegeed on another
layer of pure epoxy and then peel-plied. They turned out much better.
Though I am using the FeatherLite leading edge, I still need to lance the foam at the leading edge joint. I lanced both top and bottom skin - 4 lines, 1/2", 1/2", 1" and 1" respectively. It helps to fold the foam nicely.